What is this famous QI that many practitioners talk about?

Qi in Traditional Chinese

Qi in Simplified Chinese

(氣,气, Qi: Pronounced as “chee”)

Google translation of Qi: Air? Vital energy? Energy of Life?

If you are aware of some concepts used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), you are likely to have heard of this term: Qi . It is an oft-used concept in TCM and metaphysics. Qi is not something we can see with our eyes; but we can feel and experience the positive and the negative forms of it. 

What exactly is this Qi? To put it simply, Qi can be described as energy. Qi is a form of energy that flows through living entities. It has been referred to as the ‘life force’ or the vital force of a living entity. It is the vibe we feel.

Energy is neither visible or tangible; but we can understand its effects through calculations and/or conversion into something that can be observed or felt or heard. To help you understand Qi, this invisible energy that courses through us, I have collated some similar examples:

  1. The electric energy that powers our electronics and lights up our homes;
  2. The kinetic energy from the powerful river currents that flows through hydroelectric dams
  3. The vibrational energy (i.e. trembles) that people feel from earthquakes and tsunamis

For a more holistic idea of Qi, please let me introduce to you another concept called Yin 阴 and Yang 阳 (next article).