Ways to read a Natal Chart: By Location – the Pillars

To help you understand the fundamentals of Bazi, we will be using the following natal chart to explain and illustrate the basics. Please use your personal chart for reference. If you do not have your chart yet, you may get it by following the steps below:

Step 1: Log in to https://bazibz.masteryacademy.com/

Step 2: Enter your details.
If you do not know the time of birth, check the “Time of Birth Unknown”.

Step 3: Save the comprehensive datasheet

And Now, you are ready to begin.

The first method I will talk about is called the “Location of the elements”.

The location-based technique can be classified into two primary parts – (a) the Pillar(s), and (b) the classification of Heaven-Earth-Man (天-地-人) in the natal chart.

Let’s start with the Pillars in this article first.
There are two subcategories for the Pillars:

A pillar is a structure formed by a-Stem-and-a-Branch, known as a Sexagenary cycle or or 干支 (ganzhi). There are four pillars in the Bazi chart, and we read from Right to Left as each pillar describes the different areas in life.

Internal and External Pillars

The natal chart can be broken down into two broad parts – the External and Internal aspects of life.

  • The External aspects of life are represented by the Year and Month pillars (highlighted in Red). These pillars will describe our social circle, network and career. When we analyse these pillars, we find out how we portray ourselves to our friends and network, and the impression that we give to other people.

  • The Internal aspects of life are represented by the Day and Hour pillars (highlighted in Green). These pillars describe our internal world namely yourself, your loved ones, your dreams and desires.

Four Pillars

When we look deeper, each pillar represents a specific area in life:

  • The Year pillar represents areas pertaining to our social network, friends, industry/market, grandparents and the first impression people perceive of us
  • The Month pillar represents our work performance, career, parents, siblings and close relatives
  • The Day pillar represents our inherent character, personal relationships, spouse and home
  • The Hour pillar represents our desires/dreams, hobbies, contributions, assets, subordinates and children


Alright, I hope that you have gained some clarity on the workings of a Bazi or natal chart. Let’s revisit the topic of the annual Chinese New Year exhibits for each animal zodiac signs in the shopping centres (https://nourishingthelifemap.com/based-on-our-birth-year-how-much-information-are-we-getting-from-the-yearly-exhibits-of-the-chinese-zodiac-animals/). Armed with new knowledge, we might question:

Since the exhibits provide information based on the birth year, does it mean that the exhibits are mainly describing our networks, market/industry, and not specific to our career or personal relationships?

Well, the answer is Yes, to a great extent. We must understand that the information in the Bazi chart is an interplay amongst the pillars; each pillar, while provides specific information, should not be analysed in silo or alone as the forecast of the year. By analysing all the pillars, you gain clarity on your own character and your opportunities.

So, you can still read the yearly Chinese New Year forecasting exhibits. They provide broad information if you are looking to seek new job opportunities, increase their network circle or even to look for new personal relationship(s). It is the forecast for our market conditions.

If the outlook is positive in the Year pillar, you may want to consider your next move.

χ If the outlook is less than promising in the Year pillar, it may be a year for you to look inwards (reconsider opinions or upgrade skill-sets) or to lay low.

[Chinese zodiac animals and Seasons they represent]

If it is the other aspects (career, personal relationship) that you seek, do look into the animal signs stated in the Month or Day or Hour pillars and refer to the respective exhibits for a little more information for the year.

Stay tuned for the next article!


This article is published on nourishingthelifemap.com, a non-profitable website for anyone seeking inspiration to improve one’s perception towards life.

The information in the page or blog is meant to supplement and not substitute any proper Chinese metaphysics training. Illustrations are provided only as an aid for better understanding of contents. Readers are urged to consult a certified consultant for proper diagnosis of issues they may encounter. To maintain anonymity and confidentiality, any past events, locales and/or conversations would be reconstructed. Any resemblance of any case(s) to a person, living or dead, situation or event (unless otherwise stated) is purely coincidental.

All Bazi Terminologies referenced in the articles are copyrighted materials belonging to, and are used with permission from Joey Yap Research Group Sdn. Bhd.