
Take care of oneself to help others

As cheesy or “selfishly” as it sounds – when you fly on an airplane, the safety instructions always go to say “put your oxygen mask on first” before helping others. 

It is then elaborated further that this way, it was to ensure one’s survival. Otherwise, one would not be able to help anyone else with their oxygen mask when one is actually ‘on the brink of extinction’ (in morbid terms, no offence). 

Coffee at Sunday Folks (2023)

It has been a while since I last wrote an essay-long blog (haha, how time flies too).

In search of answers and balancing my wellness/happiness/state of mind everyday, I have also met people knocking some sense into me such as “what do I have against rest?”

A question that does not need answering nor do I need to justify my actions and decisions.  

Tea selections at Marche 313 Somerset (2023)

This blog is not going to be those long stories. 

The aim of this post is to put it out there with this saying:

“It is wellness to slow down and appreciate a cup of coffee or tea – in it, to even choose the type of coffee or tea to enjoy – for 15 minutes.” 🙂


This article is published on, a non-profitable website for anyone seeking inspiration to improve one’s perception towards life.

The information in the page or blog is meant to supplement and not substitute any proper Chinese metaphysics training. Illustrations are provided only as an aid for better understanding of contents. Readers are urged to consult a certified consultant for proper diagnosis of issues they may encounter. To maintain anonymity and confidentiality, any past events, locales and/or conversations would be reconstructed. Any resemblance of any case(s) to a person, living or dead, situation or event (unless otherwise stated) is purely coincidental.

All Bazi Terminologies referenced in the articles are copyrighted materials belonging to, and are used with permission from Joey Yap Research Group Sdn. Bhd.