Overview: Ways to read a Natal Chart

How can a practitioner know so much about one person by just analysing the “eight characters”?

To recap for our returning readers and to introduce to our new readers, everyone has a unique natal chart or Bazi Destiny Chart. This chart succinctly encapsulates a wealth of information about ourselves, which describes our character, nature and the opportunities we can work on to improve our well-being.

  1. The best way to decipher this well-packed information is to do the following:
    You have to first understand the structures of the natal chart. You may read this article first, and then come back to this page (https://nourishingthelifemap.com/five-main-components-in-the-natal-chart/).
  2. You will learn in this article the kind of information you can extract from each structure of the natal chart. I will walk you through some ways in the reading of a natal chart.

Ways to read a natal chart

There are various ways to read and interpret a natal chart. I will be sharing four basic techniques that many practitioners derive their answers from. I will devote several articles on each method.

When you are ready… In my next article, I will be elaborating on the first technique to read a natal chart based on the location of elements – the “pillars”.


This article is published on nourishingthelifemap.com, a non-profitable website for anyone seeking inspiration to improve one’s perception towards life.

The information in the page or blog is meant to supplement and not substitute any proper Chinese metaphysics training. Illustrations are provided only as an aid for better understanding of contents. Readers are urged to consult a certified consultant for proper diagnosis of issues they may encounter. To maintain anonymity and confidentiality, any past events, locales and/or conversations would be reconstructed. Any resemblance of any case(s) to a person, living or dead, situation or event (unless otherwise stated) is purely coincidental.

All Bazi Terminologies referenced in the articles are copyrighted materials belonging to, and are used with permission from Joey Yap Research Group Sdn. Bhd.