Forecast for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs in 2022

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In Chinese Metaphysics, there are the 12 Chinese zodiac signs – that are represented by 12 specific animals. Each year, each animal will hold different cosmic vibe or energy that can influence us throughout the year.

Here, I share some hints for the year should your natal / Bazi (八字) chart contains the following Chinese zodiac signs/animals: 

子 (Rat); 丑 (Ox); 寅 (Tiger); 卯 (Rabbit); 辰 (Dragon); 巳 (Snake);  午 (Horse); 未 (Goat); 申 (Monkey); 酉 (Rooster); 戌 (Dog) and 亥 (Boar)

These hints will only apply in the year of the Water Tiger (after *4 Feb 2022* to ~4 Feb 2023).

To check the Chinese zodiac animals that you have, you may wish to plot your natal chart first at

  • Year (Generally, after 3 or 4 Feb of birth year): Rep. Your market, industry, bosses, social circle/network, grandparents
  • Month (Date range slightly differs for each month): Rep. Your Job, daily activities, business outlook, parents, siblings
  • Day (Required to plot the natal chart): Rep. Self-identity, personal relationship dynamics, health, living place
  • Hour (Only have 12 different time period): Rep. Your action plans, desires and hopes, children, investment opportunities, subordinates, hobbies and contributions

For more background info regarding one’s natal chart, you may wish to visit my website at:



The following Instagram links for your reference 🙂 

Hope it helps with your plans for the year.


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The information in the page or blog is meant to supplement and not substitute any proper Chinese metaphysics training. Illustrations are provided only as an aid for better understanding of contents. Readers are urged to consult a certified consultant for proper diagnosis of issues they may encounter. To maintain anonymity and confidentiality, any past events, locales and/or conversations would be reconstructed. Any resemblance of any case(s) to a person, living or dead, situation or event (unless otherwise stated) is purely coincidental.

All Bazi Terminologies referenced in the articles are copyrighted materials belonging to, and are used with permission from Joey Yap Research Group Sdn. Bhd.