Five Arts of Chinese Metaphysics

Chinese metaphysics can be divided into five main subjects of study or five Arts (五术 wu shu). 

They are the Mountain 山 (shan), Medicine 医 (yi), Life 命 (ming), Divination 扑 (pu), Physiognomy 相 (xiang). The principles of the five Arts work around the concept of balance, yin 阴 and yang 阳, and the five elements (Wood 木-Fire 火-Earth 土-Metal 金-Water 水). Each art is unique in their study, and is defined as follows:

Mountain 山 (shan):

This art includes activities relating to the interaction of nature and man. Some commonly known examples are self-meditation and martial arts.

Medicine (yi):

The art of medicine deals with one’s health and healing. Major organs of the human body can be classified or represented by the five-element in the Chinese philosophy. The works of the human body must be in homeostasis or balanced in order to be at its optimal and health state. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) includes techniques such as acupuncture and medicinal prescriptions.

Life (ming):

Astrology or the study of one’s Destiny by interpreting the influences of stars and planets on humans and their affairs. The common systems used in Chinese Astrology are Bazi (八字 or the Four Pillars of Destiny) and Purple Star Astrology (紫微斗数 Zi Wei Dou Shu).

Divination (pu):

The art or system for Prediction, based on numerical and/or date analysis, formulae using star alignments and complex calculations, to reveal answers of the future. Book of Changes or Yi Jing or I-Ching (易经) is one of the most popular text or system used till date. Yi Jing also entails ancient system of philosophy and cosmology which provided inspiration to religions (e.g. Buddhism and Taoism), literature and art. The tool for Sun Tzu’s Art of War (孫子兵法) known as Qi Men Dun Jia (奇门遁甲) is also another well-known system for the art of Divination.

Physiognomy (xiang):

The study of appearances through observation and analysis of forms. Palmistry (手相 shou xiang), face-reading (面相 mian xiang) and Feng Shui (风水; the study of living environment and forms) are categorised under this art.


  1. The Five Arts of Chinese Metaphysics. Retrieved from
  2. What is Feng Shui? Retrieved from