February 2020

Ways to read a Natal Chart: By Location – the Pillars

To help you understand the fundamentals of Bazi, we will be using the following natal chart to explain and illustrate the basics. Please use your personal chart for reference. If you do not have your chart yet, you may get it by following the steps below: Step 1: Log in to https://bazibz.masteryacademy.com/ Step 2: Enter …

Ways to read a Natal Chart: By Location – the Pillars Read More »

Based on our birth year, how much information are we getting from the yearly exhibits of the Chinese zodiac animals?

Every year in the weeks leading up to Chinese New Year, many shopping centres in Singapore would put up exhibits of the annual forecasting of the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac. These exhibits would usually draw crowds of people who are curious to learn about their prospects for love, wealth and health, forecasted according …

Based on our birth year, how much information are we getting from the yearly exhibits of the Chinese zodiac animals? Read More »